Stonyfield Earth Month - HMT Associates

Stonyfield Earth Month

our challenge


Create a shopper plan to convert HH’s buying non-organic yogurt brands to make the switch to Stonyfield Organic yogurt.

our insight


While 65% of shoppers showed interest in buying healthier foods, our research showed that among our target – Millennial/Gen X moms – the decision no longer came down to health alone. We learned that 80% of this demographic wanted to buy from companies that improved environmental outcomes.

our solution


We leveraged the Earth Month window to enlist moms to join Stonyfield’s mission: “say no to toxic pesticides and yes to high quality ingredients for a healthier planet”. Our omnichannel solution focused on driving awareness and sales. With 51% of the target relying on a digital shopping list, we used shoppable integration and key word intercept via grocery list/lifestyle apps which aligned to moms’ pre-shop behavior. Knowing that 41% use digital circulars in their buying journey, we geographically targeted “Smart Display Ads” to drive sales at key retailers.

our results
+.9 pts
post-promotional increase in HH penetration vs YAG
dollar sales increase across portfolio, 2x goal
units moved vs benchmark